La Tradizione dell'Olio in Toscana

Scopri il segreto del sapore e del profumo particolare racchiuso nella qualità dell’olio extra vergine di oliva del Frantoio VABRO


Extra virgin olive oil

The secret of the high quality extra virgin olive oil produced by Frantoio VABRO is enclosed in the particular flavor and aroma obtained from the cultivation of typical Tuscan olives, such as Leccino, Moraiolo, Pendolino and Correggiolo, pressed within 24 hours of harvesting and cold-pressed so that the characteristics and nutritional values present in the fruit remain unchanged.

Extra virgin olive oil not only delights the palate but constitutes the main food of the Mediterranean diet, complete and indispensable for keeping the body in top shape and efficiency at any age.

And that slight pungent taste, which is felt in the throat, represents an “extra pinch of health”.



Classic oil with a tasty but not aggressive flavor that enriches dishes without covering their taste.

Among the VABRO branded products, the Firmato stands out, produced from selected olives harvested slightly in advance in order to have an extra virgin olive oil with a very low level of acidity and rich in antioxidants, with a strong and persistent flavour.

bourbon del monte

With a more fruity taste, the Borbon del Monte line highlights the aromatic tones of green and/or turning color olives.

The line also includes the special oils deriving from the cultivation of organic, IGP and DOP olives and from the selection of oils flavored with natural flavourings.